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Building Regulations Part L Amendments June 2022 (England Regs) & Transition Arrangements
Building Regs England
Updated Specifications and Detail Drawings for Part L updates for the June 2022 Deadline (England Regs) are now available on BuildingRegs4Plans. (Note: after the deadline, the specifications and details for the pre-June requirements will still be available on the website)
Transitional Arrangements (England Building Regs)
The amendments are being applied over a one-year transitional period. The updates come into force in June 2022 and there are deadlines for submission of plans and start dates of building work for use of the existing/old regulations. See below for details...
Therefore, although we've updated the specifications for the new Building Regs (as 'Specs for June 2022'), we'll continue to provide specifications for the existing/old Building Regs ('Pre-June 2022'), in order that a choice can be made per project, according to the dates for submission of the plans to the Local Authority and the date of commencement of Building Works. See below for details.
What are the deadlines? Which specs do I use?
Where plans are both to be deposited with Local Authority Building Control before 15 June 2022 and where building work is starting before 15 June 2023, use the existing Specifications marked 'Pre-June 2022'.
For example, House Extension Plans, Previous Building Regs (Pre-June 2022).
Where plans are to be submitted to Local Authority Building Control on or after 15 June 2022 or where building work is to start on or after 15 June 2023, use the new updated specs/details marked 'Specs for June 2022', when available.
For example, House Extension Plans, New Building Regulations (June 2022).
(See under the 'Specifications' menu.)
Many of the AdHoc detail drawings on the Detail Drawings pages have also been updated. However, the original/Pre-June 2022 versions are still available on the Archived Detail Drawings page.
Overview of Updates
Updates to the England Building Regs include changes to:
- Part L (including Insulation etc.)
- Part O (Overheating)
- Part F (Ventilation).
See the new Web Apps listed (on the left side of most pages) under 'Specifications for June 2022 changes' e.g. for House Extensions, Loft Conversions, Garage Conversions etc.
[Old Specifications and Detail Drawings are still available on the web-apps under the headings -Pre-June 2022'.]
Where have updates been applied?
- Part F: We've incorporated new notes under the 'Ventilation' categories.
- Part O: See new section under New Builds for 'Overheating' including new specifications.
- Part L: Many of the specs and details have been updated to provide additional insulation to meet the new regulations.
- See also the category on New Builds ‘Part L (Cons of Fuel and Power)’ for general notes relating to Part L.
Detail Drawings
Many of the details on the Dedicated Detail drawings pages (under the 'Details Drawings' menu) have been updated for the new regs, where required. The U-values for many of the details are shown in the descriptions under the drawings on the webpage 0.16, 0.18 etc.
U-values for many of the Details are also shown within the drawings, just below the main heading.
Many of the old details (Pre-June) from those pages have been moved to the 'Archived Detail Drawings' page so we’ve endeavoured to separate the new from the old.
Drawings within the new web apps ('Specifications for June 2022 changes') have also be updated for the changes.
A few of the insulation materials used in our earlier specs and details aren’t yet available in sizes/thicknesses to meet the new standards but we’ve endeavoured to replace them with different materials where possible
When they do become available, we’ll look at adding them back in.
Building Regulations Part L England Updates June 2022
For more information on Building Regs Part L June 2022 Amendments, see BuildingRegs4Plans blog:
The Future Homes Standard
Changes to Part L & Part F (New Dwellings): 1st Consultation (Oct 2019 - Feb 2020)
Wales Building Regulations Amendments: In effect from 23rd November 2022
Building Regs Wales
The consultation for the Wales Building Regulations ended on 17th January 2022 and the updates were subsequently published on 24th May 2022.
The amendments cover energy efficiency, ventilation and overheating and came into effect on 23rd November 2022.
The Specifications and detail drawings for the updated regulations have now been released are available on the website.
The old Specifications are shown under the heading 'Pre-November'.
The new Specifications are shown under the heading 'Specs for November 2022'.
Building Regulations Part L Changes June 2022 (England Regs) and Transition Arrangements
Building Regs England
Updated Specifications and Detail Drawings for Part L updates for the June 2022 Deadline (England Regs) are now available on BuildingRegs4Plans. (Note: after the deadline, the specifications and details for the pre-June requirements will still be available on the website)
Transitional Arrangements (England Building Regs)
The amendments are being applied over a one-year transitional period. The updates come into force in June 2022 and there are deadlines for submission of plans and start dates of building work for use of the existing/old regulations. See below for details...
Therefore, although we're updating the specifications for the new Building Regs (as 'Specs for June 2022'), we'll continue to provide specifications for the existing/old Building Regs ('Pre-June 2022'), in order that a choice can be made per project, according to the dates for submission of the plans to the Local Authority and the date of commencement of Building Works. See below for details...
What are the deadlines? Which specs do I use?
Where plans are both to be deposited with Local Authority Building Control before 15 June 2022 and where building work is starting before 15 June 2023, use the existing Specifications marked 'Pre-June 2022'.
For example, House Extension Plans, Previous Building Regs (Pre-June 2022).
Where plans are to be submitted to Local Authority Building Control on or after 15 June 2022 or where building work is to start on or after 15 June 2023, use the new updated specs/details marked 'Specs for June 2022', where available.
For example, House Extension Plans, New Building Regulations (June 2022).
(See under the 'Specifications' menu.)
Overview of Updates
Updates to the England Building Regs include changes to:
- Part L (including Insulation etc.)
- Part O (Overheating)
- Part F (Ventilation).
See the new Web Apps listed (on the left side of most pages) under 'Specifications for June 2022 changes' e.g. for House Extensions, Loft Conversions, Garage Conversions etc.
[Old Specifications and Detail Drawings are still available on the web-apps under the headings -Pre-June 2022'.]
Where have updates been applied?
- Part F: We've incorporated new notes under the 'Ventilation' categories.
- Part O: See new section under New Builds for 'Overheating' including new specifications.
- Part L: Many of the specs and details have been updated to provide additional insulation to meet the new regulations.
- See also the category on New Builds ‘Part L (Cons of Fuel and Power)’ for general notes relating to Part L.
Detail Drawings
Many of the details on the Dedicated Detail drawings pages (under the 'Details Drawings' menu) have been updated for the new regs, where required. The U-values for many of the details are shown in the descriptions under the drawings on the webpage 0.16, 0.18 etc.
U-values for many of the Details are also shown within the drawings, just below the main heading.
Many of the old details (Pre-June) from those pages have been moved to the 'Archived Detail Drawings' page so we’ve endeavoured to separate the new from the old.
Drawings within the new web apps ('Specifications for June 2022 changes') have also be updated for the changes.
A few of the insulation materials used in our earlier specs and details aren’t yet available in sizes/thicknesses to meet the new standards but we’ve endeavoured to replace them with different materials where possible
When they do become available, we’ll look at adding them back in.
Building Regulations England Part L Updates June 2022
For more information on Building Regs Part L June 2022 Amendments, see BuildingRegs4Plans blog:
The Future Homes Standard
Changes to Part L & Part F (New Dwellings): 1st Consultation (Oct 2019 - Feb 2020)
Nov 2022
Wales Building Regulations Amendments: In effect from 23rd November 2022
Building Regs Wales
The consultation for the Wales Building Regulations ended on 17th January 2022 and the updates were subsequently published on 24th May 2022. The amendments cover energy efficiency, ventilation and overheating and came into effect on 23rd November 2022.
The Specifications and detail drawings for the updated Wales regulations have now been released are available on the website.
The old Specifications are shown under the heading 'Pre-November'.
The new Specifications are shown under the heading 'Specs for November 2022'.
To begin compiling your Building Regulations Specification with our App, choose either House Extension, New Build, Flat Conversion, Loft Conversion or Garage Conversion.