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QuickSpec App - Specifications for Mobile

QuickSpec App:
On-site access to our specifications!

The Mobile BuildingRegs4Plans App 'QuickSpec' gives on-site access to our Building Regulations Specifications and incorporates the functionality to compile a specification on your Mobile Device.

Our Premium-Plus and Standard-Plus Subscriptions now include access to 'QuickSpec' with Building Regulations Specifications for both the England and Wales Building Regulations.

QuickSpec App is a Quick and Easy way to view the specifications with the convenience of access on your Mobile Device.

QuickSpec is now available for both Android and IOS (iPhone/iPad).

QuickSpec, Building Regs App Screenshot

QuickSpec has Building Regs Specs for:

  • House Extensions
  • Loft Conversions
  • Flat Conversions
  • Garage Conversions
  • New Builds
  • New Build Flats (England Only)
  • Basement Conversions
  • Garage Builds

QuickSpec - Setup/Login

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App login page
Once installed on your device, enter your (website registration) login details.
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs App Home Page

View Building Notes

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs App Home Page
Select a Project Type
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Categories Page
Choose a Category
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Subcategories Page
Choose Subcategories. View the Note.
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Note/Specification

Compiling a Specification

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Note/Specification
Browse to the relevant Note. Then tap the button 'Add to MyBuildingRegsSpec'
Down Arrow
QuickSpec App Screenshot: Adding a Building Regs Specification
Tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button at any time, to view your compiled specification
Down Arrow
App Screenshot: View your Compiled Building Specification

Editing a Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.

App Screenshot: View your Compiled Building Specification
Tap (or Left-Swipe) any of the Building Notes to display the Edit Screen. Edit the spec heading and text, as required.
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Editing your Compiled Building Specification
Once finished editing, tap 'Save' (or 'Cancel') to return to the Saved Specification.

Removing a Note from the Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.

Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Right-Swipe the relevant Building Note. Tap the 'Delete Note' button, if necessary.
Down Arrow
App Screenshot: Right-Swipe with Delete-Note popup
Confirm or Cancel the Deletion, then return to the Saved Specification.

Reordering Notes within the Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.

QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Building Regs Specification
Tap-and-Hold any Note within the specification. Once a red border appears around the note, drag it up or down into the desired position.
Down Arrow
App Screenshot: Tap-Hold and Dragging a Building Note
Release the note, which should remain in the new position.
Down Arrow
App Screenshot showing reordered Specifications

Sharing a Completed Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.

App Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Tap the 'Share Specification'button.
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot showing Share popup
Once shared, tap 'Clear Specs' (if required) to remove/clear the specification from your device.

Logout / About Page

To use the app on a new/different device, logout of the app on the existing/old device

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App Home page
Tap the Header Image/Logo ('QuickSpec').
Down Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: About/Logout Page
Tap the Logout Button to de-register the current device.
Then install and login to QuickSpec on the new device.
QuickSpec App - BuildingRegsPlans Specifications for Mobile

QuickSpec App: for on-site access to our specifications!

The Mobile BuildingRegs4Plans App 'QuickSpec' gives on-site access to our Building Regulations Specifications and incorporates the functionality to compile a specification on your Mobile Device.

Our Premium-Plus and Standard-Plus Subscriptions now include access to 'QuickSpec' with Building Regulations Specifications for both the England and Wales Building Regulations.

QuickSpec App is a Quick and Easy way to view the specifications with the convenience of access on your Mobile Device.

QuickSpec is now available for both Android and IOS (iPhone/iPad).

QuickSpec has Building Regs Specs for:

  • House Extensions
  • Loft Conversions
  • Flat Conversions
  • Garage Conversions
  • New Builds
  • New Build Flats (England Only)
  • Basement Conversions
  • Garage Builds

QuickSpec - Setup/Login

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App login page
Once installed on your device, enter your (website-registration) login details.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App Home page

View Building Notes

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App Home page
Select a Project Type.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regulations Specifications Categories page
Choose a Category.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Subcategories page
Choose Subcategories. View the Note.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Note/Specification page

Compiling a Specification

QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Note/Specification page
Browse to the relevant Note. Then tap the button 'Add to MyBuildingRegsSpec'.
Right Arrow
App Screenshot: Specification Added popup
Tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button at any time, to view your compiled specification.
Right Arrow
App Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Building Regs Specification

Editing a Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.
QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Tap (or Left-Swipe) any of the Building Notes to display the Edit Screen. Edit the spec heading and text, as required.
Right Arrow
App Screenshot: Editing a Note from the Specification
Once finished editing, tap 'Save' (or 'Cancel') to return to the Saved Specification.

Removing a Note from the Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.
QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Right-Swipe the relevant Building Note. Tap the 'Delete Note' button, if necessary.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Right-Swipe with Delete-Note popup
Confirm or Cancel the Deletion, then return to the Saved Specification.

Reordering Notes within the Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.
QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Tap-and-Hold any Note within the specification. Once a red border appears around the note, drag it up or down into the desired position.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Tap-Hold and Dragging a Specification to reorder
Release the note, which should remain in the new position.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing the reordered Building Regs Specifications

Sharing a Completed Specification

To get started, tap 'View MyBuildingRegsSpec' button to view your compiled specification.
QuickSpec Screenshot: Viewing your compiled Specification
Tap the 'Share Specification'button.
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: Share popup
Once shared, tap 'Clear Specs' (if required) to remove/clear the specification from your device.

Logout / About Page

To use the app on a new/different device, logout of the app on the existing/old device
QuickSpec Screenshot: Building Regs Specifications App Home page
Tap the Header Image/Logo ('QuickSpec') .
Right Arrow
QuickSpec Screenshot: About/Logout Page
Tap the Logout Button to de-register the current device.
Then install and login to QuickSpec on the new device.

To begin compiling your Building Regulations Specification for submission to Building Control or your Approved Inspector with our Web Apps, choose either:
House Extension, New Build, Flat Conversion, Loft Conversion, Garage Conversion, New Build Flats, Basement Conversion or Garage Build.

Bricklayer. Building Regulations for Extension Plans

Construction Detail Drawings & Building Regs Specifications, U-Values for Home Extension, Loft Conversion, Garage Conversion, Basement Conversion, Flat Conversion, New Build, New Build Flats & Garage Build Plans
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