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Additional Detail Drawings for PDF/Word Export
(Premium / Premium-Plus users only)
Many of the Detail Drawings are found alongside the relevant specification but some drawings are available on the Detail Drawings pages (Via the 'Detail Drawings' menu) only.
Drawings from the Detail Drawings pages are easily added to a specification but if you haven't done this before you'll need to make a quick change to a setting on your Settings page.
To do this, visit your Settings page and tick the box 'Show Buttons to Add Details to Spec' which is found under the heading 'Detail Drawings pages: show links...', then 'click 'Save Setting' to save it.
The 'Add to Specification' buttons are then visible on all Detail Drawings pages.
Adding Detail Drawings to the PDF/Word Export
(Premium / Premium-Plus users only)
Once the setting is enabled (see above), you can add any Drawings from the Detail Drawings pages into your specification, to be included in the PDF/Word export.
1. Start a specification or load an existing one.
2. Navigate to one of the Detail Drawings page such as Roof Detail Drawings, then click 'Add to Specification' button below the relevant detail drawing to add it to your spec.
If you don't see the buttons, see instructions in the previous paragraph (above).
3. Return to your specification where you'll see that the Detail Drawing has been added to the bottom of your Specification.
4. To change the position of the Drawing within your specification, use the Edit function to reorder your spec. See the Further Info Guide for editing.
Note: If you have any problem accessing or using the function, please Contact Us
Downloading Linked Detail Drawings (Premium Reg only)
Once you've added some specs with associated drawings or some 'adhoc' drawings from the detail drawings pages, you can download all your linked details (in dwg format) in one go.
Click the 'Download DWGs' button on the right-hand side.
Then select a location to save a zip fie containing your drawings.

Please contact us if you have any queries about registration.
Sample Building Notes
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
20mm two coat sand/cement render to comply to BS EN 13914-1 with waterproof additive on 100mm lightweight block, 0.15 W/m²K, e.g. Celcon solar, Toplite Standard.
Fully fill the cavity with 150mm Dritherm 32 cavity insulation as manufacturer's spec.
Inner leaf to be 100mm lightweight, 0.15 W/m²K, e.g. Celcon solar, Toplite standard.
Internal finish to be 12.5mm plasterboard on dabs.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
Outer skin to be 102mm suitable facing brick with 50mm vented and drained cavity provided between the stud and brick cladding.
Inner stud to have breathable membrane (a vapour resistance of not more than 0.6 MNs/g) fixed to 12mm thick W.B.P external quality plywood sheathing (or other approved).
Ply fixed to treated timber frame studs constructed using 150mm x 50mm treated timbers with head and sole plates and vertical studs (with noggins) at 400mm ctrs, or to s/engineer's details and calculations.
Insulation to be 70mm Kingspan Kooltherm between studs with .....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
New rainwater goods to be new 110mm UPVC half round gutters taken and connected into 68mm dia UPVC downpipes.
Rainwater taken to new soakaway, situated a min distance of 5.0m away from any building, via 110mm dia UPVC pipes surrounded in 150mm granular fill.
Soakaway to be min of 1 cubic metre capacity (or to depth to Local Authority approval), filled with suitable granular fill and provided with geotextile surround to prevent migration of fines.
If necessary carry out.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
Provide cross-ventilation of the under floor to outside air by ventilators in at least 2 opposite external walls of the building.
Ventilation openings having an opening area of 1500mm² per metre run of perimeter wall or.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
Mechanically fix 100mm Kingspan Kooltherm K5 external wall board to 215mm solid brick wall built using 1:1:6 cement mortar.
Insulation boards to be fixed using thermally broken proprietary telescopic tube fasteners at max 1m centres driven into pre-drilled holes, ensure a minimum of 5 fixings per insulation board.
Apply 20mm of suitable reinforced render with waterproof additive with a scraped or textured finish. Render to be applied directly to the insulation incorporating eml or glass fibre mesh.
Movement joints to.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
Concise Construction Notes like these can be added to your Building Regulations Specification in just a few clicks within the Web Apps!

Additional Detail Drawings for PDF/Word Export (Premium / Premium-Plus users only)
Many of the Detail Drawings are found alongside the relevant specification but some drawings are available on the Detail Drawings pages (Via the 'Detail Drawings' menu) only.
Drawings from the Detail Drawings pages are easily added to a specification but if you haven't done this before you'll need to make a quick change to a setting on your Settings page.
To do this, visit your Settings page and tick the box 'Show Buttons to Add Details to Spec' which is found under the heading 'Detail Drawings pages: show links...', then 'click 'Save Setting' to save it.
The 'Add to Specification' buttons are then visible on all Detail Drawings pages.

Adding Detail Drawings to the PDF/Word Export (Premium / Premium-Plus users only)
Once the setting is enabled (see above), you can add any Drawings from the Detail Drawings pages into your specification, to be included in the PDF/Word export.
1. Start a specification or load an existing one.
2. Navigate to one of the Detail Drawings page such as Roof Detail Drawings, then click 'Add to Specification' button below the relevant detail drawing to add it to your spec.
If you don't see the buttons, see instructions in the previous paragraph (above).
3. Return to your specification where you'll see that the Detail Drawing has been added to the bottom of your Specification.
4. To change the position of the Drawing within your specification, use the Edit function to reorder your spec. See the Further Info Guide for editing.
Note: If you have any problem accessing or using the function, please Contact Us
Downloading Linked Detail Drawings (Premium Reg only)
Once you've added some specs with associated drawings, you can download all your linked details (in dwg format) in one go.
Click the 'Download DWGs' button on the right-hand side.
Then select a location to save a zip fie containing your drawings.
Please contact us if you have any queries about registration.

Sample Building Notes
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
20mm two coat sand/cement render to comply to BS EN 13914-1 with waterproof additive on 100mm lightweight block, 0.15 W/m²K, e.g. Celcon solar, Toplite Standard.
Fully fill the cavity with 150mm Dritherm 32 cavity insulation as manufacturer's spec.
Inner leaf to be 100mm lightweight, 0.15 W/m²K, e.g. Celcon solar, Toplite standard.
Internal finish to be 12.5mm plasterboard on dabs.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
Outer skin to be 102mm suitable facing brick with 50mm vented and drained cavity provided between the stud and brick cladding.
Inner stud to have breathable membrane (a vapour resistance of not more than 0.6 MNs/g) fixed to 12mm thick W.B.P external quality plywood sheathing (or other approved).
Ply fixed to treated timber frame studs constructed using 150mm x 50mm treated timbers with head and sole plates and vertical studs (with noggins) at 400mm ctrs, or to s/engineer's details and calculations.
Insulation to be 70mm Kingspan Kooltherm between studs with.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
New rainwater goods to be new 110mm UPVC half round gutters taken and connected into 68mm dia UPVC downpipes.
Rainwater taken to new soakaway, situated a min distance of 5.0m away from any building, via 110mm dia UPVC pipes surrounded in 150mm granular fill.
Soakaway to be min of 1 cubic metre capacity (or to depth to Local Authority approval), filled with suitable granular fill and provided with geotextile surround to prevent migration of fines.
If necessary carry out.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
Provide cross-ventilation of the under floor to outside air by ventilators in at least 2 opposite external walls of the building.
Ventilation openings having an opening area of 1500mm² per metre run of perimeter wall or.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
To achieve minimum U Value of 0.18 W/m²K
Mechanically fix 100mm Kingspan Kooltherm K5 external wall board to 215mm solid brick wall built using 1:1:6 cement mortar.
Insulation boards to be fixed using thermally broken proprietary telescopic tube fasteners at max 1m centres driven into pre-drilled holes, ensure a minimum of 5 fixings per insulation board.
Apply 20mm of suitable reinforced render with waterproof additive with a scraped or textured finish. Render to be applied directly to the insulation incorporating eml or glass fibre mesh.
Movement joints to.....register here for our full specifications and web apps.
Concise Construction Notes like these can be added to your Building Regulations Specification in just a few clicks within the Web Apps!
To begin compiling your Building Regulations Specification, choose either House Extension, New Build, Flat Conversion, Loft Conversion, Garage Conversion, Basement Conversion, New Build Flats or Garage Build.